SAP Signavio Process Manager: Changes in Version 12.5.0 (SaaS)

With the 12.5.0 release of SAP Signavio Process Manager, we introduced the following new functions and bug fixes:

New / Improved Functions

  • Share your models with anyone who has access to Collaboration Hub. Once you have published your model in Collaboration Hub, you get a shareable link for your model.
  • Spot circular references immediately during export. When you are exporting a BPMN 2.0 XML model with a circular reference, a help page will guide you to a solution.

Fixed Bugs

  • We updated the Process Manager API. In a single API call, you can now retrieve up to 10 000 entries from the Dictionary. To retrieve more entries with pagination, you can use the "offset" parameter.
  • Inclusive gateways were reported as XOR instead of OR during modeling checks. We fixed this.
  • When you move Dictionary entries between categories, the feed is now updated accordingly.
  • You can now import BPMN 2.0 XML models with an empty lane attribute. Also, the "Loop Condition" attribute won't go missing after import.
  • In multi-language workspaces of Collaboration Hub, you are now able to translate custom attributes’ titles into multiple languages.
  • File names are now properly encoded when you export your BPMN 2.0 XML model. The file name is the model name, by default.

SAP Signavio Process Intelligence

With the 12.5.0 release of SAP Signavio Process Manager, we also released SAP Signavio Process Intelligence version 12.5.0, which includes the following features and bug fixes:

New / Improved Functions

  • Easier navigation - we added breadcrumbs to the pages.
  • Cycle time and event attributes are available in bar charts, histograms and the value widget.