Quality, OPEX & Manufacturing Innovations in Life Sciences Conference

March 5th 2019

Meet our Signavio experts from March 5-7, 2019, at the Quality, OPEX & Manufacturing Innovations in Life Sciences Conference 2019 in Budapest and learn more about the SAP Signavio Process Transformation Suite.

Quality, OPEX & Manufacturing Innovations in Life Sciences Conference

The 14th edition of the Quality, OPEX & Manu­facturing Innovations in Life Sciences Conference will take place in the heart of Budapest. In today’s world, the continuous improve­ment and efficiency of business processes are playing an in­creasingly important role. En­gage with colleagues from phar­maceutical and bio­tech companies, ex­change ideas and learn more about the Signavio Business Trans­formation Suite.

The event will focus on well-founded, specialist lectures on topics such as digitalization, Industry 4.0 and techno­logical innovations. Other topics include:

  • The development of digital factories and intelligent manufacturing strategies
  • Transformation and Change Management in the pharmaceutical industry
  • New requirements for data integrity and the easy handling of data
  • The digitalization of data analysis
  • Quality measurement and continuous improvement

Signavio at the Life Sciences Conference 2019

As an innovative cloud software provider, Signavio will again be ex­hibiting at the 14th "Quality, OPEX & Manu­facturing Innovations in Life Sciences Conference 2019" in Budapest this year. Our Signavio experts are looking forward to answering your questions, showing you possible solutions for your process initiative and giving you an over­view of the ad­vantages of collaborative process and decision manage­ment with the Signavio Business Trans­formation Suite.

If you’d like to book an individual meeting with one of us, please send us an email at marketing.dach@signavio.com

In the mean­time, if you want to know more about the significant challenges facing the industry, the statistics behind the need to innovate, and the many ways this incredibly important vertical can benefit from process management systems, down­load our practical flyer "Improving the Health of the Pharmaceutical Industry" for free.

At a glance:

What: Quality, OPEX & Manufacturing Innovations in Life Sciences Conference 2019
When: 05.-07. March 2019
Where: Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge | Széchenyi István tér 2 | 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Website and tickets: click here

We’re looking forward to meeting you at the Quality, OPEX & Manu­facturing Innovations in Life Sciences Conference 2019!