Journey Modeling

In the past, ‘customer experience’ was often the last issue companies considered, as they focused on sales and productivity. But no longer, as what was once called word-of-mouth is now fully branded user-generated content. A bad review, a shoddy product, or unfriendly service can be seen by millions, instantly.

Expectations are changing, and organizations worldwide need to step up customer experience improvement. Signavio journey modeling offers 360° outside-in and inside-out perspectives, helping you better understand, improve, and transform the way customers engage with your business. Connect experiences, processes and data for customer excellence (CEX) and operational upgrade at scale.

Delight customers at scale

Today, just building positive customer experiences alone is not enough. Organizations need to actively create experiences that not only satisfy but delight and excite consumers. Companies must look beyond traditional process methods, maps and models, to more consumer-centric constructs. Businesses must connect customer journeys to the processes that deliver them.

Getting this wrong can mean disengaging the consumer base and giving ground to the competition.

Visualize how others experience your business

A step-by-step journey allows for a deeper understanding of the way your business functions from the outside, revealing hidden opportunities and challenges and offers you a more transparent basis for decision-making. For employees and agents,  this means smoother and more efficient work. At the same time, impactful insights into how to give your customers what they want—and even what they don't know they need—means happier, more loyal customers.

Driving smarter decisions

With Signavio, you can get your entire organization behind critical customer/employee outcomes by leveraging journey analytics and sentiment analysis. This can help leaders understand the interdependencies between customer sentiment, moments of truth and underlying process operations. This knowledge in turn, helps drive smart decisions about exactly which customers to serve, when, and how. In short, turning customer expectations into operational reality.

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