Delivering Operational Efficiency, One Version at a Time

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We upgraded simulation features, BPMN round­tripping capabilities, Modeling Conventions, QuickModel, and Reports to provide your organization with the flexibility to remain competitive with professional BPM.

We’ve optimized the simulator and QuickModel to allow you to save time for more detailed breakdowns of workdays. The simulation feature now offers more control of process resources, so that your current state model and future state models' can be analyzed with more precision. The Editor has a built-in Simulation check now so that it is easy for you to adjust the model to make it simulation ready.

We also introduced language translations for reports, improved BPMN 2.0 XML roundtrip, and added two new rules to the Signavio Best Practice Modeling Conventions. There is only so much we can mention here, so please feel free to read the release notes version 8.1.1 for all improvement and bug fixing details.